Barracuda Embedded SMTP Library

Simple Mail Transport Protocol

The SMTP Client is integrated into the Lua Server Pages plug-in that comes with the Barracuda Application Server. The SMTP Client enables embedded devices to send e-mails to any SMTP server.


  • SMTP compliant (RFC 2821)
  • SMTP authentication compliant (RFC 4954)
  • Secure SMTP (SMTPS) compliant
  • STARTTLS compliant (RFC 3207)
  • Supports server authentication with Certificate Authorities Validation
  • Supports client certificate for client authentication
  • Single, multiple, carbon copy, and blind copy address support
  • Sends any type of MIME-based attachment
  • Easy to use command API
  • Supports any type of message such as text, HTML, XML, and JSON
  • Date Header Control
  • Advanced message queuing

The Xedge IDE, included for free with the Barracuda App Server, is a powerful development environment that many customers find invaluable for optimizing their projects and speeding up their time to market. Check out the following video to learn how to send emails using this IDE. The IDE uses the SMTP client to enable several useful email features, such as reporting runtime errors. Email notifications may feel old-school, but they're handy, both during development and after your product hits the market. That's why Xedge includes a straightforward email logging feature. Configure SMTP in Xedge, and voilĂ  - crucial updates land directly in your inbox.

Next: Ajax, REST, and JSON