Barracuda Application Server C/C++ Reference
►CAllocatorIntf | Memory allocation and deallocation Interface class |
CAuthenticatedUser | Abstract base class implemented by BasicAuthUser, FormAuthUser and DigestAuthUser |
►CAuthenticatorIntf | Abstract interface class implemented by DigestAuthenticator, FormAuthenticator and DigestAuthenticator |
CAuthInfo | An instance of the AuthInfo struct is created on the stack in the Barracuda authenticators and is used as a container object for sending information to the registered user callback methods |
CAuthorizerIntf | An abstract class, which you must implement, provides a method of authorizing an authenticated user |
CBaLua_param | The startup and runtime parameters for a Barracuda Server Lua VM |
CBaTimeEx | Extended BaTime with nano-seconds and timezone offset in minutes |
CBaTm | Represents the components of calendar time |
►CBufPrint | The BufPrint class, which implements an ANSI compatible printf method, is a base class used by several other classes |
CCentralDirIterator | Low level ZIP file central directory iterator |
►CCspReader | Abstract interface class for reading the "dat" file generated byHttpLink |
CDirIntf | Directory handle for a directory opened with IoIntf_OpenDir |
►CHttpAsynchReq | Asynchronously receive data in a resource such as HttpDir or HttpPage |
CHttpClientHeader | The response HTTP headers returned by HttpClient::getHeaders |
CHttpClientKeyVal | A container for key/value pairs that is used when setting custom HTTP headers and/or when setting URL encoded HTTP parameters |
CHttpCmdThreadPool | An instance of this class provides a thread pool to an instance of the HttpServer class |
CHttpCommand | Container class for the HttpRequest and HttpResponse command pair |
CHttpCookie | A cookie is used for exchanging a small amount of information between a HttpPage and a web browser |
►CHttpDir | An instance of the HttpDir class, which is a collection of zero or more resources, serves as one directory entry in the virtual file system |
CHttpInData | The web-server "Request Data" container |
CHttpPage | An HttpPage, which is typically created by the CSP compiler, is similar to a Java servlet |
CHttpParameter | A persistent container object for HTTP parameters |
CHttpParameterIterator | The HttpParameterIterator is used for iterating through the form elements parsed by the HttpServer object |
CHttpRdFilter | Superclass for HttpResRdr filters |
CHttpRecData | Makes it easy to upload packets or large data chunks when using Barracuda in multithread mode |
CHttpRequest | The HttpServer creates an HttpRequest object when the HttpServer parses a client request |
CHttpResponse | This object is used when sending response messages back to the client |
CHttpServCon | Create a server listen object |
CHttpServer | The Web Server |
CHttpServerConfig | Use an instance of this class if you want to override the default web-server parameters |
CHttpSession | Provides a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a web site, and to store information about that user |
CHttpSessionAttribute | The interface to an HttpSession attribute |
CHttpSessionContainer | The HttpSession container class |
CHttpSharkSslServCon | Create a SharkSSL server listen object |
CHttpStdHeaders | Standard HTTP header values |
CHttpTrace | Trace the communication between a client and the server |
CHttpTraceWriteLock | HttpTraceWriteLock is a C++ class that makes it easier to lock the trace by using method HttpTrace::getWriter and HttpTrace::releaseWriter |
CHttpUpload | The HttpUpload node is responsible for creating and starting HttpUploadNode instances |
CHttpUploadCbIntf | The HttpUploadCbIntf interface is an abstract class that must be implemented by code using the HttpUpload |
CHttpUploadNode | A HttpUploadNode is dynamically created by an HttpUpload instance for each concurrent upload |
►CIoIntf | Abstract file API, implementations include ZipIo, DiskIo, and NetIo |
CIoStat | Resource information |
CJDecoderStackNode | Used internally in JDecoder for nested data structures |
CJDecoderV | Used internally in JDecoder, where one instance represents one node in the pointer value tree |
CJEncoder | The JEncoder can serialize a JSON JVAL syntax tree to the JSON text format |
CJErr | The JSON error container object |
CJParser | The JSON parser parses a JSON stream and calls the JParserIntf callback interface for each parsed object/primitive type |
►CJParserIntf | The JParserIntf interface class is the interface between the parser and an object that implements the JParserIntf interface |
CJParserVal | The parser sets a JParserVal before calling the parser callback JParserIntf |
CJVal | JVal represents a value in a JSON tree |
CJValFact | The JValFact enables one to manually create a JVal syntax tree or add nodes to an existing syntax tree |
CLHttpDir | LHttpDir is the HttpDir instance used by Lua bindings and can be used by advanced Lua bindings creating new HttpDir type Lua interfaces |
CLoginRespIntf | The LoginRespIntf is an abstract class, which must be implemented when using one of DigestAuthenticator, BasicAuthenticator, and FormAuthenticator |
CLoginTracker | Optional security enhancement that can be installed in an instance of one of the authenticator classes |
CLoginTrackerIntf | The interface between the LoginTracker and the application code |
CLoginTrackerNode | A LoginTrackerNode keeps track of how many times a user using a specific IP address has attempted to login to the server |
CLThreadMgr | The global instance created by C code or a dynamic instance created by ba.thread.create |
CMultipartUpload | The MultipartUpload, which is an abstract base class, implements the functionality as specified in RFC 1867 |
CResIntf | Resource handle for a directory opened with IoIntf_OpenRes |
CSeCtx | SeCtx structure: See Context Manager and Bare Metal Systems for details |
CSMQ | SimpleMQ structure |
CSoDisp | The SoDisp dispatches any socket connection that contains data by calling the SoDispCon::execute member function in a SoDispCon object |
►CSoDispCon | Contains information about the physical socket connection |
►CThread | A simple thread class |
CThreadJob | A thread job created by ThreadJob_create or ThreadJob_lcreate |
CThreadLock | This class provides an easy and less error prone way of locking and releasing a mutex |
CThreadMutex | A mutual exclusion class |
CThreadReleaseLock | This class provides an easy and less error prone way of temporarily releasing a locked mutex |
CThreadSemaphore | A simple semaphore implementation |
CUBJDecoderStackNode | Used internally in UBJDecoder for nested data structures |
CUBJDecoderV | Used internally in UBJDecoder, where one instance represents one node in the pointer value tree |
CUBJEBuf | The UBJSON Encoder buffer is used by the encoder UBJEncoder |
CUBJEncoder | UBJSON Encoder |
CUBJParser | The UBJSON parser parses a binary UBJSON stream and calls the UBJPIntf callback interface for each parsed object/primitive type |
►CUBJPIntf | The UBJPIntf interface class is the interface between the parser and an object that implements the UBJPIntf interface |
CUBJPStackNode | The event based parser uses a stack instead of recursion and the UBJPStackNode type represent one entry in the stack |
CUBJVal | UBJParser Value (passed into the parser callback interface UBJPIntf) |
CUserIntf | Interface class used by the Authentication classes |
CWSS | WebSocket Server (WSS) |
CWSSCB | WebSocket Server Connection Callback Interface: provides an interface between your application and the WebSocket server |
CZipContainer | A ZipContainer is a buffer used by a ZipIo when reading data from a ZipReader |
CZipFileInfo | Low level ZIP file information used internally by the Zip File System |