Barracuda Application Server C/C++ Reference
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAllocatorIntfMemory allocation and deallocation Interface class
 CAuthenticatedUserAbstract base class implemented by BasicAuthUser, FormAuthUser and DigestAuthUser
 CAuthenticatorThis class implements HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, and Form-Based Authentication
 CAuthenticatorIntfAbstract interface class implemented by DigestAuthenticator, FormAuthenticator and DigestAuthenticator
 CAuthInfoAn instance of the AuthInfo struct is created on the stack in the Barracuda authenticators and is used as a container object for sending information to the registered user callback methods
 CAuthorizerIntfAn abstract class, which you must implement, provides a method of authorizing an authenticated user
 CBaLua_paramThe startup and runtime parameters for a Barracuda Server Lua VM
 CBasicAuthenticatorImplements Basic Authentication
 CBaTimeExExtended BaTime with nano-seconds and timezone offset in minutes
 CBaTimerThe timer class makes it possible to create events that are activated at regular intervals or to create events that are activated only one time
 CBaTmRepresents the components of calendar time
 CBufPrintThe BufPrint class, which implements an ANSI compatible printf method, is a base class used by several other classes
 CCentralDirIteratorLow level ZIP file central directory iterator
 CCspReaderAbstract interface class for reading the "dat" file generated byHttpLink
 CDavAuthThis class implements HTTP Basic and HTTP Digest authentication
 CDigestAuthenticatorImplements Digest Authentication
 CDirIntfDirectory handle for a directory opened with IoIntf_OpenDir
 CDiskIoMakes it possible for the web-server to work with resources on a hard drive
 CDynBufferA dynamic buffer
 CFileCspReaderExample code that shows you how to write a CspReader driver object
 CFileZipReaderExample code that shows you how to write a ZipReader interface for the ZipIo class
 CFixedSizeAllocatorThis is a fixed size allocator implementation for the abstract interface class AllocatorIntf
 CFormAuthenticatorImplements Form-Based Authentication
 CHttpAsynchReqAsynchronously receive data in a resource such as HttpDir or HttpPage
 CHttpAsynchReqRespSimultaneously receive and send a stream of data
 CHttpAsynchRespSend data asynchronously to a client
 CHttpClientThe HTTP(S) "C" client library implementation conforms to the HTTP/1.1 standard, RFC 2616
 CHttpClientHeaderThe response HTTP headers returned by HttpClient::getHeaders
 CHttpClientKeyValA container for key/value pairs that is used when setting custom HTTP headers and/or when setting URL encoded HTTP parameters
 CHttpCmdThreadPoolAn instance of this class provides a thread pool to an instance of the HttpServer class
 CHttpCommandContainer class for the HttpRequest and HttpResponse command pair
 CHttpConnectionContains information about the physical socket connection
 CHttpCookieA cookie is used for exchanging a small amount of information between a HttpPage and a web browser
 CHttpDirAn instance of the HttpDir class, which is a collection of zero or more resources, serves as one directory entry in the virtual file system
 CHttpInDataThe web-server "Request Data" container
 CHttpMuxDirHttpMuxDir HttpDir Multiplexer captures many muxResource requests and feeds all muxResource requests to one page
 CHttpPageAn HttpPage, which is typically created by the CSP compiler, is similar to a Java servlet
 CHttpParameterA persistent container object for HTTP parameters
 CHttpParameterIteratorThe HttpParameterIterator is used for iterating through the form elements parsed by the HttpServer object
 CHttpRdFilterSuperclass for HttpResRdr filters
 CHttpRecDataMakes it easy to upload packets or large data chunks when using Barracuda in multithread mode
 CHttpRequestThe HttpServer creates an HttpRequest object when the HttpServer parses a client request
 CHttpResMgrMakes it possible for HTTP clients to use an IoIntf for uploading and downloading files
 CHttpResponseThis object is used when sending response messages back to the client
 CHttpResRdrThe HTTP resource reader searches and presents IoIntf resources to HTTP clients requesting such information
 CHttpServConCreate a server listen object
 CHttpServerThe Web Server
 CHttpServerConfigUse an instance of this class if you want to override the default web-server parameters
 CHttpSessionProvides a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a web site, and to store information about that user
 CHttpSessionAttributeThe interface to an HttpSession attribute
 CHttpSessionContainerThe HttpSession container class
 CHttpSharkSslServConCreate a SharkSSL server listen object
 CHttpStdHeadersStandard HTTP header values
 CHttpTraceTrace the communication between a client and the server
 CHttpTraceWriteLockHttpTraceWriteLock is a C++ class that makes it easier to lock the trace by using method HttpTrace::getWriter and HttpTrace::releaseWriter
 CHttpUploadThe HttpUpload node is responsible for creating and starting HttpUploadNode instances
 CHttpUploadCbIntfThe HttpUploadCbIntf interface is an abstract class that must be implemented by code using the HttpUpload
 CHttpUploadNodeA HttpUploadNode is dynamically created by an HttpUpload instance for each concurrent upload
 CIoIntfAbstract file API, implementations include ZipIo, DiskIo, and NetIo
 CIoIntfCspReaderThe IoIntfCspReader, which implements the abstract CspReader interface, makes it possible to open a "CSP dat" file via a IoIntf
 CIoIntfZipReaderThe IoIntfZipReader, which implements the abstract ZipReader interface, makes it possible for a ZipIo to open a ZIP file via another IoInterface
 CIoStatResource information
 CJDecoderJDecoder implements the parser callback API JParserIntf and builds a pointer value tree when JDecoder::get is called
 CJDecoderStackNodeUsed internally in JDecoder for nested data structures
 CJDecoderVUsed internally in JDecoder, where one instance represents one node in the pointer value tree
 CJEncoderThe JEncoder can serialize a JSON JVAL syntax tree to the JSON text format
 CJErrThe JSON error container object
 CJParserThe JSON parser parses a JSON stream and calls the JParserIntf callback interface for each parsed object/primitive type
 CJParserIntfThe JParserIntf interface class is the interface between the parser and an object that implements the JParserIntf interface
 CJParserValThe parser sets a JParserVal before calling the parser callback JParserIntf
 CJParserValFactJParserValFact is the JVal JSON parser factory class
 CJValJVal represents a value in a JSON tree
 CJValFactThe JValFact enables one to manually create a JVal syntax tree or add nodes to an existing syntax tree
 CLHttpDirLHttpDir is the HttpDir instance used by Lua bindings and can be used by advanced Lua bindings creating new HttpDir type Lua interfaces
 CLoginRespIntfThe LoginRespIntf is an abstract class, which must be implemented when using one of DigestAuthenticator, BasicAuthenticator, and FormAuthenticator
 CLoginTrackerOptional security enhancement that can be installed in an instance of one of the authenticator classes
 CLoginTrackerIntfThe interface between the LoginTracker and the application code
 CLoginTrackerNodeA LoginTrackerNode keeps track of how many times a user using a specific IP address has attempted to login to the server
 CLThreadMgrThe global instance created by C code or a dynamic instance created by ba.thread.create
 CMultipartUploadThe MultipartUpload, which is an abstract base class, implements the functionality as specified in RFC 1867
 CNetIoThe NetIo is similar to a network file system and makes it possible for the server to access resources on another Barracuda server
 CResIntfResource handle for a directory opened with IoIntf_OpenRes
 CSeCtxSeCtx structure: See Context Manager and Bare Metal Systems for details
 CSMQSimpleMQ structure
 CSoDispThe SoDisp dispatches any socket connection that contains data by calling the SoDispCon::execute member function in a SoDispCon object
 CSoDispConContains information about the physical socket connection
 CThreadA simple thread class
 CThreadJobA thread job created by ThreadJob_create or ThreadJob_lcreate
 CThreadLockThis class provides an easy and less error prone way of locking and releasing a mutex
 CThreadMutexA mutual exclusion class
 CThreadReleaseLockThis class provides an easy and less error prone way of temporarily releasing a locked mutex
 CThreadSemaphoreA simple semaphore implementation
 CUBJDecoderUBJDecoder implements the parser callback API UBJPIntf and builds a pointer value tree when UBJDecoder::get is called
 CUBJDecoderStackNodeUsed internally in UBJDecoder for nested data structures
 CUBJDecoderVUsed internally in UBJDecoder, where one instance represents one node in the pointer value tree
 CUBJEBufThe UBJSON Encoder buffer is used by the encoder UBJEncoder
 CUBJEncoderUBJSON Encoder
 CUBJParserThe UBJSON parser parses a binary UBJSON stream and calls the UBJPIntf callback interface for each parsed object/primitive type
 CUBJPIntfThe UBJPIntf interface class is the interface between the parser and an object that implements the UBJPIntf interface
 CUBJPStackNodeThe event based parser uses a stack instead of recursion and the UBJPStackNode type represent one entry in the stack
 CUBJValUBJParser Value (passed into the parser callback interface UBJPIntf)
 CUserIntfInterface class used by the Authentication classes
 CWebDAVThe WebDAV plugin implements WebDAV version 1, as specified in RFC2518 and part of the locking in DAV 2, making it interoperate with "drive" clients requiring locking
 CWSSWebSocket Server (WSS)
 CWSSCBWebSocket Server Connection Callback Interface: provides an interface between your application and the WebSocket server
 CZipContainerA ZipContainer is a buffer used by a ZipIo when reading data from a ZipReader
 CZipFileInfoLow level ZIP file information used internally by the Zip File System
 CZipIoMakes it possible for the web-server to work with resources in a ZIP file as if the ZIP file is a read-only file system
 CZipReaderAbstract interface class for reading a ZipFile