This is the complete list of members for HttpAsynchResp, including all inherited members.
addr2String(HttpSockaddr *addr, char *buf, int len) | SoDispCon | |
asynchThreadMode() | HttpAsynchResp | |
clearKeepAlive() | HttpConnection | |
close() | HttpAsynchResp | |
cmpAddr(HttpSockaddr *addr2) | SoDispCon | |
connect(const char *host, U16 port, const void *bindIntfName=0, U16 bindPort=0, U32 timeout=1500, BaBool dgram=false, BaBool ipv6=false, char **errinfo=0) | SoDispCon | |
dispatcherHasCon() | SoDispCon | |
getDispatcher() | SoDispCon | |
getMutex() | HttpAsynchResp | |
getPeerName(HttpSockaddr *addr, U16 *port=0) | SoDispCon | |
getServer() | HttpConnection | |
getSharkSslCon(SharkSslCon **sc) | SoDispCon | |
getSockName(HttpSockaddr *addr, U16 *port=0) | SoDispCon | |
getWriter() | HttpAsynchResp | |
hasMoreData() | SoDispCon | |
HttpAsynchResp(char *buf, int size, HttpRequest *req) | HttpAsynchResp | |
HttpAsynchResp(char *buf, int size, HttpConnection *con) | HttpAsynchResp | |
isIP6() | SoDispCon | |
isSecure() | SoDispCon | |
isValid() | HttpAsynchResp | |
recEvActive() | SoDispCon | |
sendData(const void *data, int pktSize, int chunkSize) | HttpAsynchResp | |
sendEvActive() | SoDispCon | |
sendNextChunk(const void *data, int chunkSize) | HttpAsynchResp | |
setConClose() | HttpAsynchResp | |
setHeader(const char *name, const char *value) | HttpAsynchResp | |
setKeepAlive() | HttpConnection | |
setLingeringClose() | HttpAsynchResp | |
setStatus(int statusCode, const char *protocol=0) | HttpAsynchResp | |
setTCPNoDelay(bool enable) | SoDispCon | |
~HttpAsynchResp() | HttpAsynchResp | |