Barracuda Application Server C/C++ Reference
This is the complete list of members for HttpDir, including all inherited members.
authenticateAndAuthorize(HttpCommand *cmd, const char *path) | HttpDir | |
createOrGet(const char *name) | HttpDir | |
findDir(HttpDir *iter, const char *name, unsigned int nameLen) | HttpDir | static |
findPage(HttpPage *iter, const char *name) | HttpDir | |
getDir(const char *name) | HttpDir | |
getFirstDir() | HttpDir | |
getFirstPage() | HttpDir | |
getName() const | HttpDir | |
getNext() | HttpDir | |
getPage(const char *name) | HttpDir | |
getParent() const | HttpDir | |
getRootPath() | HttpDir | |
HttpDir() | HttpDir | |
HttpDir(const char *name, S8 priority=0) | HttpDir | |
insertDir(HttpDir *dir) | HttpDir | |
insertPage(HttpPage *page) | HttpDir | |
isLinked() | HttpDir | |
makeAbsPath(const char *relPath, int relPathLen) | HttpDir | |
overloadService(HttpDir_Service s) | HttpDir | |
p403(const char *p403) | HttpDir | |
setAuthenticator(struct AuthenticatorIntf *authenticator, struct AuthorizerIntf *authorizer=0) | HttpDir | |
unlink() | HttpDir |